Chapter 375: Changes in the Deep Sea

After notifying his subordinates, Ya Xuan didn't talk much with Tu Ya and the other person.

In his opinion, as a noble fleet commander, he really had nothing in common with these two crude adventurers.

If it wasn't for searching for Hua Xia's people, he wouldn't have shared a drink with them. If his colleagues saw this, they would surely laugh at him.

After settling the bill, Ya Xuan said to them, "Do your jobs well and gather more useful information. The Empire will not forget your contributions."

"Understood, understood. Thank you for your support, sir!"

Ya Xuan left the bar with his hands behind his back. The next moment, he left the Dimensional Universe and returned to the control center of the War Fortress.

"Did you find anything?"

"Scanning now, sir...."

The green-haired girl was using the life scanner to conduct a round of scanning.