Chapter 382: Wormholes and Parallel Universes

Hearing Lin Zhen's words, the surrounding young nobles fell into deep thought.

The conditions Lin Zhen mentioned seemed quite high, but upon careful consideration, they were worth it.

Every time he wins, he gets a noble identity, or a hundred citizen identities, or ten thousand poor identities - for these top nobles and even the royal family, it's not difficult to accomplish.

As for what Lin Zhen intended to do with so many identities, they all knew very well. It was probably just for his fellow natives on that native planet. They had seen too many cases where one person's success would lift the entire group.

As for providing a noble title, it's just a matter of bestowing the title of Knight, which they could all do without even needing the help of their families.

It's also not difficult to arrange for citizenship and poor status. All nobles have the power to issue chips. Viscounts can issue citizen identities, while Knights can issue poor identities.