Chapter 387 Black Pearl (3rd update)

Lin Zhen initially reserved a Sea Treading secret manual online. The book was priced at two million Tianhe Coins, which wasn't considered too high.

However, if exchanged into Earth's currency, it would be 20 billion, which on second thought, also isn't cheap.

After the secret manual chip was delivered, Lin Zhen left the Prince's Mansion.

He might come to Jade Star to buy a residence in the future, but not right now. He still needed to return to Earth.

After leaving the Prince's Mansion, he flew using Star Power. Chris guided Lin Zhen, live-streaming towards the Astronautical Commodity Museum.

The Astronautical Commodity Museum sold items needed for cosmic travels, with the main item being spaceships.

The technology on Earth could not compare to that on Jade Star. Lin Zhen urgently needed a good spaceship. Guided by Chris, he arrived at the museum's entrance.

"Wow! What a huge entrance."

The museum looked like a great mountain, its gate unimaginably large.