Chapter 391: Lin Zhen is the Pirate Leader (4 updates)

Stephen and the others saw Lin Zhen coming in, and they wanted to say something at first, but stopped abruptly when they noticed Jason behind him.

Ronnie's face looked like he'd seen a ghost, "Shac, isn't this Jason, your arch-enemy who beat you down?"

"Yes, but now he is our Centurion."

Ronnie stopped talking, and Stephen looked constipated. It was clear that Jason wouldn't be easy to get along with, and the strong aura emanating from him made it evident that he was incredibly powerful.

Moreover, his marble-sculpted face looked like a stubborn antique. Having him as a Centurion meant that their days would likely be tough.

Jason, with a tightly clenched face and not a hint of a smile, sternly addressed the pirates, "Our count is incredibly busy and doesn't have much time to manage you all. But as long as I'm here, don't even think about causing any trouble. Get rid of your old habits, or I won't hesitate to clean up after you for him!"