Chapter 394: Arrival of the Black Pearl (3rd update)

"Hurry, hurry, hurry! We're approaching the Australian mainland."

Following Ya Xuan's orders, the squadron crossed the Indian Ocean and arrived above the Australian mainland.

"Captain, ahead is the Sydney Ancient City Ruins, the place where we discovered the shadow."

"Lock onto the coordinates and speed up. I want to see what's hiding under that shadow!"

The spaceship accelerated, emitting a piercing sound in the air as it rapidly approached the old city area of Sydney.

Sydney was once the largest city here, but after the God Transformation Day began, the people of Australia were confined on the island with nowhere to escape, eventually leading to the nation's demise. The once-prosperous Sydney became a wasteland.

"It's right there, the Olympic Center. It is said that this stadium hosted some Olympic Games. This is the location of the shadow."


The spaceship slowly descended.

However, before they could land, something unexpected happened!