Chapter 415: The Counterattack of Earth Begins! (Third update)

Looking around at this group of passionate martial artists, Lin Zhen felt a wave of emotion in his heart.

In the previous life, almost none of these people were still alive, all of them died in the battle to defend their homes.

But in this life, all of them were still alive.

This was the result of Lin Zhen's hard work, countless sacrifices, scheming, and planning, only then he could reach this point.

However, this was the crucial moment, if they won, only then would everything truly change. If they lost, then what was the difference between their current predicaments and their previous life? There was merely the difference between dying a few days earlier or later.

But Lin Zhen had no way to ask them to retreat, just as they had said, how long can they hide if Lin Zhen lost?

In the battle to defend your homeland, everyone should do their part, especially as these martial artists had never wanted to hide under someone else's wing and scrape by.