Chapter 430: Effortless Slaughter!

As Lin Zhen finished speaking, a deafening roar erupted from the surrounding area.

Perhaps some were cursing him, some doubt him, and some were unconvinced. The shouting of tens of billions of people gathered together, as if to overturn the heavens and earth, could easily cause the timid to break down mentally.

Lin Zhen sneered, thinking to himself, yell all you want, I'd like to see how much courage you have to challenge me; I hope you can last a little longer.

At this moment, a burst of warm applause erupted from the audience where the Blue Bay Star residents were seated.

Because their first contestant had entered the stage.

Although this person named Wang Bojie was not well-known on Blue Bay Star, and the vast majority of people did not know who he was, since he was challenging Lin Zhen, he was worth supporting.