Chapter 433: The Power of Genes

Upon seeing Cao Yang's appearance, Lin Zhen immediately understood.

This was another genetically enhanced individual.

Unlike Anderson, who was almost a mutant, he was successfully enhanced, but the genetic fluid he used came not from a Galaxy Beast.

About half of the enhancers use Mutated Beast genes, and of the rest, half use Beast King genes.

Of the remaining quarter, half use low-level Galaxy Beast genes. Anderson was at this level, only he was a failure.

Then come the intermediate and advanced Galaxy Beast genes.

As for the most powerful Super Galaxy Beast genes, these were rarer than one in ten thousand.

Now, Cao Yang, in his Beast King battle formation, should have been fortified by the gene of a mutated ice centipede.

Centipedes have many legs, and when applied to humans, it means multiple arms.

Cao Yang had hundreds of additional arms, with countless weapons assaulting Lin Zhen.