Chapter 438: Black Hole Beast (Third Update)

Seeing the three words "analyzing" constantly flashing, the few people in the room were all bewildered.

Even if it was the gene essence of a Super Galaxy Beast, it shouldn't have taken so long to analyze, right?

Lin Zhen watched for a while and suddenly had a flash of inspiration: "I have an avatar! Could it be that because of my avatar, the gene analysis is missing some information?"

Upon hearing Lin Zhen's words, Han Sha couldn't help but slap his thigh, "Right! It must be because of that. The avatar must have taken a bit of the main body's genes. You need to bring your avatar here too, and test both together. That might give us better results."

"Alright, I'll bring my avatar over now."

Lin Zhen's avatar was not far away. With a thought, his avatar teleported directly to their location.