Chapter 456: Dimensional Universe Company

As he moved across the plain, Lin Zhen realized that it was basically deserted.

There were only a handful of solitary martial artists scattered around. Lacking the strength to compete in the Six Dao Reincarnations, they could only hunt for Cosmic Crystals in the outside world.

Lin Zhen did not linger in the wasteland, he continued to the entrance of the Six Dao Reincarnations.

The Six Dao Reincarnations were six immensely sprawling and colossal paths.

Danger lurked in this vast, infinite chasm akin to a desert canyon.

The six paths were respectively: the Heavenly Path, Human Path, Asura Path, Animal Path, Hell Path, and Hungry Ghost Path.

The types of ghosts in each path were different. Lin Zhen noticed there were still many martial artists congregating here when he arrived.

The most eye-catching amongst them was a group wearing the uniforms of the Dimensional Universe Company. They had set up a stall and were openly buying Cosmic Crystals.