Chapter 469: The Last Three Minutes!

When the World Stone was on the verge of collapse, the whole world was shaking.

The earth was cracking open, the waters of the Santu River were crazily pouring onto the shore, the dark clouds in the sky were spinning like a whirlwind, with thunder and lightning flashing, a scene of apocalyptic chaos!

The temple in the underground palace also began to shake, with huge chunks of stone falling from the sky. The stones here were not ordinary, they were extremely dense and, under the acceleration of gravity, fell like meteors. Many people couldn't dodge in time and were instantly killed by the falling rocks.

Yet many people were still madly rushing towards the Cosmic Crystals, determined to grab one and run. However, after seizing the first one, they wanted to grab another and then, thinking they could also get three.

People were killed by rocks, killed by those around them, and the scene became extremely chaotic, with casualties increasing sharply.