Chapter 481: Constant Star Transformation!

With the Constant Star Crystal in hand, Lin Zhen immediately began absorbing it.

Streams of Star Power flowed into his body from his limbs and meridians, making him appear as if he was glowing.

The mutation of the Star Fruit Tree brought Lin Zhen a huge advantage. If he had to rely solely on the Black Hole Beast's talent for devouring, he would find it extremely difficult to make progress in the Constant Star stage.

At that time, the wealth required would be astronomical, and even a World Master's wealth might not be enough for him to advance a single level after reaching the Late Constant Star stage.

No one would be willing to invest such immense wealth to cultivate a Constant Star Period Martial Artist, except for the martial artist themselves.

It's also difficult for a martial artist to make a choice in such a predicament - having nearly infinite wealth at the expense of advancing one less level is indeed a tough decision to make.