Chapter 491: First Battle in the Chaotic Star River

The passage below their feet was very long, winding like a path, and large ships could not pass through at all.

The martial artists spread out and began to fly along the passage.

Tony, Lin Zhen, and three other martial artists were still together at the end of the group.

"I heard that this Light Passage is an interwoven wormhole and space fissure, which formed after exhaustion and degradation, and became permanent here. Is that right, Boss Tony?"

"Seems like it. I heard the same thing too."

"Tsk tsk! This is really a dangerous place. Within the tens of thousands of light years around it, if you want to go to our empire, you must pass through this passage. Look at it, the diameter doesn't exceed a hundred meters. If there was a peerless strong person guarding it, I'm afraid that even tens of millions of people from the Demon Insect Empire would not be able to break through it."