Chapter 498: Thunder Crystal Ore

Sun Hao's intuition was completely correct, but it was too late to change anything now. Lin Zhen's Star Power was no weaker than his. With the combined attack of Lin Zhen's main body and his clone, along with their extensive combat experience and numerous tactics, Sun Hao was immediately at a disadvantage.

Lin Zhen's joint attack technique had mastered the integration of his main body and clone. Often, within 0.1 seconds after the main body's attack, the clone could seize the exact moment to strike the vital spot that Sun Hao had to defend.

As soon as the attack was blocked, the main body's offensive came again, leaving no breathing room for the opponent, and never giving any chance for rest. Any carelessness would result in instant death!

In particular, Lin Zhen sensed that Sun Hao might have some killer moves to unleash but simply didn't give him a chance. High-powered moves like Thunder Kill and Phantom God Strike were not used because they were too slow.