Chapter 507: Heaven Stele Comprehension, Lin Zhen's Decision (Third Update)

Looking at the starry sky outside, Lin Zhen stood up and stretched his waist: "Finally, it's almost there. In a little while, we'll arrive at the Suspended Island. Little baby, just follow me later, where I go, you go."


The Little Phoenix chirped a few times, then gently flapped its wings at the door of the spaceship.


What's wrong? Feeling bored and want to go out for a look?"

Little Phoenix nodded its head. Lin Zhen thought it was, after all, a Galaxy Beast, and it was not easy for it to have such patience to accompany him for so long, so it was no harm to go out and take a look.

Opening the door of the cabin, Lin Zhen accompanied the Little Phoenix out of the spaceship.

After leaving the spaceship, Little Phoenix flapped its wings, circled in the void, and let out a crisp and pleasant chirp.

Lin Zhen said to it, "Don't fly too far away, we're going to the Suspended Island soon."