Chapter 522: Trapped in Chaotic Star River, Lin Zhen's countermeasure

Upon hearing Chris's words, Lin Zhen immediately became interested.

"You mean, as long as I deposit another 200 billion Cosmic Crystals into my bank card, you can find information about the Phoenix Nirvana? Can a dead person really come back to life?"

"Master, the Phoenix is not an ordinary Galaxy Beast, and there is indeed a Nirvana theory for it. However, it should not be a simple matter, since I cannot access any information for now, I cannot give you more precise news."

Chris hesitated for a moment: "Also, I need to correct a mistake. It's not 200 billion Cosmic Crystals, but 400 billion. You have already squandered 300 billion, leaving only 100 billion."

Only then did Lin Zhen recall that he had spent most of his Cosmic Crystals, with a Wutong Tree sapling alone costing him a third of his fortune.