Chapter 535: Eighth Style of the Gun River, World King's Threat!

The Mantis Commander looked incredulously at the long spear piercing his chest, completely unable to believe that Lin Zhen could achieve this!

His Star Power had reached 5,300, but when Lin Zhen's spear pierced him, time stopped, and his Star Power was rendered useless.

Unprepared and caught off guard, he didn't have time to break through the Time Field and was penetrated by Lin Zhen's spear!

This was the amazing effect of Time Stop. As long as you're not fully prepared for Lin Zhen's move, the result is often a confused submission to death!

Lin Zhen's spear pierced the Mantis Commander, and he twisted the Yin-Yang Spear!


An explosion of energy instantly shattered the Mantis' innards!

This was Lin Zhen. Once he gained an advantage, he would never give his opponent a chance to turn the situation around. Only a dead enemy was the safest enemy!