Chapter 570: Unexpected Guests on Phoenix Habitat Star

Garbage disposal area of the Chaotic Star River, Phoenix Habitat Star.

A light blue atmosphere enveloped the entire planet. After Lin Zhen's transformation, the atmospheric environment here had reached a standard suitable for human habitation.

The Wutong Tree that Lin Zhen had planted back then was swaying in the breeze, with its leaves rustling. It was a picture of peace and tranquility, completely different from the other planets filled with the emptiness of space.

In the sky, a point appeared in space.

It was like a drop of ink spreading gradually on a piece of white paper.

It was a wormhole!

The wormhole began to expand, eventually forming a tunnel with a width of up to ten meters.

The passage led to an unknown destination, but a rich aura emanated from within.

However, this wormhole did not seem as stable as a real wormhole, shaking slightly, as if it could not last for long.


Following a clear bird call, bird-shaped figures emerged from the wormhole.