Chapter 600: Rebirth at 1000 Years Again!

Ling Xu World King is now over 9,000 years old, and it could be said that his lifespan is almost exhausted.

He felt that he had seen through everything, and he could put everything out of his mind, and nothing could be shocking enough for him.

But this abnormal celestial phenomenon did cause him to feel a soul-deep fear.

"What's the matter? Have I been thinking too much lately? There's no one here who can threaten me anymore."

Shaking his head to get rid of this ridiculous feeling, Ling Xu World King decided not to think about it anymore.

"Master! Look, there is a Galaxy Beast coming over there!"

A Domain King suddenly raised his hand and pointed forward, and in the distant starry sky, a Fire Kirin was rushing towards them!

"It's Lin Zhen! Everyone, lie in ambush and get ready!"

All the Domain Kings immediately entered their designated battle positions, waiting for Lin Zhen's avatar to arrive.
