Chapter 619: The Last Moment! (Part 3)

Lin Zhen climbed over the mountains, and when he passed through the fifth layer, he found that Mu Huaiyu had already entered the seventh layer.

"He's running really fast. I didn't encounter the Galaxy Beast in the fifth layer, so it must be in the sixth layer. I didn't expect this guy to actually get through."

"He has the surname Mu, I wonder if he has any connection with the Wood King, there might be something fishy here!"

Having been hunted from the first layer, Lin Zhen had become suspicious of this test. Being privately organized, it was certainly not that fair.

However, Lin Zhen was still full of confidence in himself. He had already entered the top 50,000, and there weren't many people ahead of him.

The sixth layer had a desert terrain and it seemed that there were no monsters to block the way, which was even more advantageous for running.

Lin Zhen increased his speed again, moving forward non-stop.