Chapter 630: Lin Zhen's Exorcism! (Third Update)

Lin Zhen was fascinated by what he heard: "That's indeed impressive, but it's also a miracle that he managed to survive."

"Isn't it? Because of this incident, the Crown Princess is still a prospective Crown Princess since she had not yet married into the family at the time. The Crown Prince has been brooding over this matter, so the two of them haven't had a big wedding yet."

"Do you have any information about this person?"

"I do; I'll send it to you."

Soon, Lin Zhen received Lin Feng's information.

"Hua Hua Taisui, also known as Hua Hua, World King, Peak World King, Purple Gold Divine Clan, estimated Star Power of 6.5 million..."

Lin Zhen glanced at his Star Power, and was secretly surprised. A Peak World King with such a high level of Star Power, no wonder he could escape from the encirclement of Longevity Experts.