Chapter 634: Auction

The Auction House of the World ranks among the top auction houses in the entire Original World, alongside the Endless Star Sea Auction House and the Unique Auction House, forming the top three auction houses.

An auction house itself is a business, where almost anything you want can be bought. Auctions are held only when rare and precious items appear.

Lin Zhen's access allowed him to check the items to be auctioned at the auction house, which could attract customers.

White Tiger Blood was just a starting item here, and while the Four Spirits Blood was a good item, it was not too rare.

"Huh~! There's actually an ancient alchemy recipe!"

A picture caught Lin Zhen's eye, and it was a Dan prescription.

In the Original World, the prescriptions for elixirs were basically public, and it was a matter of who could make them. However, some unique prescriptions were exclusive, and alchemists did not spread them to protect their interests. These prescriptions were very valuable.