Chapter 639: Unsealing the Bloodthirsty Divine Needle!

Looking at the swordsman in front of him, Lin Zhen snorted disdainfully: "Have you forgotten how you were defeated last time?"

The swordsman sneered: "You think your Divine Infant will be of any use this time? I've got a Mental Defense Treasure!"

"To be honest, I don't need to utilize any Spiritual Power to defeat you. My bare hands will suffice."

"Hahahaha~! That's ridiculous! Lin Zhen, you're just a country bumpkin from the New World. We've been treating you like an ATM, and yet you dare to act arrogant before us?"

"Who are you guys?"

"That's not your concern. It's not that we can't tell you, but we're afraid that if we do tell you, you'll be so frightened that you won't dare to fight us. And that would be truly boring."

"Really? Since you don't want to confess, I'll ensure you never get the chance to!"

Lin Zhen suddenly lunged forward, his figure flickering twice mid-air before he instantly reached the presence of the swordsman.