Chapter 643: Lighting the Five Ghosts Star (Third Update)

The materials for refining the Inner World Nourishing Pill were all available because Lin Zhen not only inherited Gu Yunting's memory but also took his Space Ring.

Even Gu Yunting's inner world was swept through by Lin Zhen, as some World Kings would place some good things inside their inner world.

As a Sixth-grade Alchemist, his ring was filled with medicinal materials!

Even in his inner world, there were some planted medicinal materials. However, his inner world was much harsher than Lin Zhen's Dark Star Space, and many precious materials could not survive. The majority were common items.

Actually, Lin Zhen's original plan was to take Gu Yunting's bank card, but upon checking, Gu Yunting's bank card was empty with only a little over four million inside.

After searching Gu Yunting's memory, Lin Zhen realized that he almost went bankrupt trying to suppress him at the auction, leaving him with nothing left in his hands.