Chapter 647: Brother Lin Disturbing the Scene (Third Update)

Steward Feng pretended to leave, and the two Star System Warriors quickly stood up.

"Oh, dear Steward Feng, no, no! Elder Feng, please don't take Xiaoman's words to heart. She's only been here from the New World for a few decades and is just a typical country girl who doesn't understand the meaning of being an elder in your Alchemist Guild. If her speech was offensive, please don't take it to heart."

After saying this, the Seventh-level Domain King sternly said to Xiaoman, "Zhao Xiaoman! Are you still a member of our Fire Cloud Squad? Do you know that everyone is scrimping and saving just to buy the antidote for the Dan poison? Your Brother Li and Sister SiSi and Brother Meng, who aren't here today, all need the antidote desperately. Have you calculated how much it will cost?"

Zhao Xiaoman pouted, somewhat sulking.

The Star Domain Level 5 Warrior, who was Brother Li, also spoke earnestly.