Chapter 651: Confrontation

Looking at the smug Steward Feng, Lin Zhen couldn't help but say, "Is there a problem with me coming to the Alchemist Association?"

"Of course there is a problem. You, as an outsider, sneak around in our association, plotting ill intentions. As a deacon of the association, I can't just sit back and watch. Hand over your Space Ring so I can see if there are any elixirs or similar items inside. If there are, you must explain where they came from, or you're a thief!"

"What right do you have to inspect my Space Ring?"

"Haha! It's because this is the Alchemist Association, and I am a steward here, while you're not!"

"How ridiculous, a mere steward dares to twist the truth. I wonder who gave you the courage."

"Lin Zhen! I think Steward Feng is right. It's abnormal for you to appear here. I just saw you stealing elixirs. I can testify for Steward Feng."

Liang Chen finally saw a chance to vent his anger and started attacking Lin Zhen on the spot.