Chapter 688: Star Power 7,000,000! (Third Update)

This time, the Dark Star breakthrough was somewhat different from the previous ones. The Dark Star Space was already on the verge of breakthrough, but there was a discordant factor that made Lin Zhen unsure of success.

That was the small space from the spatial turbulence.

This small space had not yet completely landed on the Dark Star but was floating in disharmony.

The small tree that nurtured the space wandering flower still flickered with a brilliant light, and the spatial turbulence formed a protective layer around it.

However, at this critical moment of breakthrough, this lack of integration became a fatal factor.

Lin Zhen could even sense that the power of this small space was actually resisting the Star Power of the Dark Star Space!

Above the sky, the veil of the Seven Kills Star had already been lifted, but it showed signs of receding.

"No, if this continues, the Dark Star breakthrough will fail. This absolutely cannot happen."