Chapter 692: Canon Clan (Third Update)

When Lin Zhen asked this question, the people of Nan Liang almost collectively gasped.

Can the emperor and the queen also get divorced?

Why would Lin Zhen ask such a question?

Even some who had heard some rumors couldn't help but secretly speculate. However, this issue could not be casually talked about in the Dimensional Universe.

Liang Chen also looked bewildered and asked in confusion, "Why would they get divorced?"

"You don't need to ask why. You just need to tell me who you would choose to inform. If you answer well, I'll let you off today. If you don't, then you'll be eliminated soon. If you're eliminated now, you'll definitely miss out on the Qi of Divine Transformation in the future. Do you believe me?"

Although Liang Chen wanted to fight Lin Zhen to the death, no one would want to be eliminated if they could help it.

In fact, he was now experiencing a great sense of surprise. When had Lin Zhen become less fierce? This was like the sun rising from the west.