Chapter 695: Let's Fight! (Third Update)

Three continuous alerts from the Dimensional Universe caused the entire Divine Punishment Star to fall silent for a moment.

"It's him again..." Qin Jianfeng stopped his sword.

"An interesting kid." Boston gazed into the east.

"Lin Zhen, my love! Well done!" A touch of tenderness flashed in Feng Qingluan's beautiful eyes.

"It's Lin Zhen again. I should find an opportunity to take care of him." Jun Mo also stopped.


Lin Zhen succeeded with a single move and didn't hesitate to rush forward, heading straight for a group of Martial Artists holding hero flags!

"What an arrogant kid!"

"Everyone, be on guard! This kid is drugged, his Star Power is ridiculously high right now!"

"Spread out, don't engage him head-on!"

The hero flags weren't handed out for nothing; the group scattered with a bang, preparing to attack Lin Zhen from all directions.