Chapter 700: Struggling to Survive (Fourth Update)


"Yes, it's a trial, Lin Zhen. If you hadn't been transported to Pure Land, by now, you might have been eliminated. In fact, the trial started when you arrived here."

Lin Zhen looked at the endless snowfall outside and nodded slightly.

"This time, if you can't stay calm during the trial, you won't be able to pass. I have been testing you just now, and your performance has satisfied me, but the upcoming trial won't be that simple."

"What is the trial?"

"Pure Land is located at the far north of Divine Punishment Star. It's extremely cold here, with winter lasting for ten months and the other three seasons only lasting for two months. Winter has just begun; if you can survive this long winter, you will pass the trial."

Lin Zhen looked stunned. Was it that simple?

If he just needed to get through a winter, one training session would be enough.