Chapter 710: Concentrate firepower to achieve the first kill!

Lin Zhen swung his spear in a circle twice in a row, pounding Bull Demon King and making him cough up blood. Lin Zhen intended to take him out in one go, but Boston and Long Xiaonan simultaneously swung their weapons and joined the fight, giving Bull Demon King a chance to catch his breath.

Lin Zhen waved his spear and charged directly at Boston!

Last time, Boston had fought with Lin Zhen who had avoided his attack and flew by. They had never clashed head-on, so Boston was quite unconvinced about Lin Zhen's strength.

However, Boston didn't act recklessly. His abilities were on par with Qin Jianfeng. Seeing Lin Zhen charging at him, he smirked coldly: "Good timing!"

He swung his Ocean Emperor's Trident, forming a mountain-like forest of spears and tridents at incredible speed, which was no less than Lin Zhen's attack speed!