Chapter 714: Clash of the Pinnacles! (Fifth update, for 300 votes additional update!)

In the Imperial Palace of Nan Liang, Liang Zhihuan nervously looked at Iron Granny beside him.

"Senior, how is it? Has the queen changed her mind?"

Iron Granny's face was as cold as ice, and she shook her head slightly, "Not yet! This is all within my expectation. That girl is stubborn, and once she makes up her mind, not even nine bulls could drag her back. It seems she has made up her mind to oppose me to the end."

At this point, Iron Granny turned to Liang Zhihuan, "Your Majesty, do you truly love my disciple?"

"Of course, otherwise I wouldn't insist on making her the queen."

"Then you better be prepared. After my third Soul Chasing Bell rings, she will definitely come back, but it might not be the original Ning Qingxuan. The best-case scenario is memory loss, and the worst-case scenario is her becoming an idiot."