Chapter 720: Who is the Madman! (Third Update)

Looking at Liang Chen acting fierce in the Dimensional Universe, Lin Zhen laughed: "If you really want to kill me, you don't need to shout threats here. I'm at the XX hotel, you can choose to come alone or bring others."

Liang Chen hung up the communication. About twenty minutes later, Lin Zhen saw him enter the hotel with his face covered, sneaking around.

After arriving at Lin Zhen's room, Lin Zhen waved his hand at Liang Chen: "If you want to do something, do it quickly. If not, just sit down."

Liang Chen hesitated for a long while but eventually didn't dare to swing a punch at Lin Zhen. He sat down disheartenedly.

"Alright, I admit that I'm not a match for you right now, but Lin Zhen, you must do one thing, otherwise, even if I die, I will never forgive you."

"Let's hear it."

"Help my mother restore her memory!"