Chapter 728: Sword Intention! (Third update! 700 monthly tickets for additional updates)

Su Qing'an opened his eyes when he heard this, knowing that what he wanted to hear was coming.

Su Qing'an was naturally Lin Zhen with a temporary altered name, which was a combination of his several wives' names.

Now the whole city was hunting for him, but Lin Zhen would never be caught by others.

By changing his name, using a clone to avoid being tracked by Tian Ting, and using the Morphing Skill to change his appearance, he could control his breath with his Immortal Spiritual Body 100% and impersonate any realm he wanted.

Learning the basics of Sword Skill was merely a cover; what he really wanted to learn was to challenge opponents of higher levels.

From his last battle, Lin Zhen believed that when facing Longevity Warriors, he must have a more powerful means.

This powerful means was his sixth move of the Taiyuan Sword Skill: Death.