Chapter 733: Feast! (Third update! 1000 monthly tickets for additional updates)

Inside the Qingye Sect, Iron Granny watched the imperial procession leave with a smile on her face.

Liang Zhihuan finally took Ning Qingxuan back to the palace. Iron Granny believed that nothing would go wrong this time. Ning Qingxuan had lost her memory, and everyone had been saying that Lin Zhen was not good enough for her, so she couldn't possibly have any lingering feelings for him.

The education Ning Qingxuan had received from a young age was to marry Liang Zhihuan and become the queen. This time, things would surely go smoothly.

Moreover, Lin Zhen wouldn't be able to cause any more trouble; he should be captured soon. Once Lin Zhen was dealt with, everything would be settled.

"Let's go and check on the situation at Hell Volcano."

After Iron Granny went to take a look, Liang Zhihuan on his part, didn't idle either.