Chapter 736: The Last Level! (Six more updates! 1300 monthly tickets added)

Lin Zhen, of course, couldn't kill all these billions of people; no one could.

Because they were not ordinary people; they were all Martial Artists with a certain level of combat power.

It was precisely because of this that they thought they had victory in their grasp and boldly attacked Lin Zhen. Even if it cost them billions, or even tens of billions, of lives, they were determined to bury Lin Zhen!

What's the big deal if they lost one-tenth of their people? They might not necessarily be part of that one-tenth.

What they never expected was that the real weapon of mass destruction was not Lin Zhen but the erupting volcano beneath the ground.

They forcibly cut off the connection between the volcanic magma pool and the earth's magma, and that was the real cause of the disaster.

Lin Zhen played a role as the guide here.

When Lin Zhen's gravity field descended and successfully broke the divide between the two, the catastrophe occurred.