Chapter 741: Association of Alchemists

The young man and woman were naturally Lin Zhen and Ning Qingxuan.

After leaving Nan Liang, the two traveled all the way to Freedom City.

In Freedom City, Lin Zhen began treating Ning Qingxuan.

Ning Qingxuan's amnesia was not simple; it was caused by Qingye Sect's Soul Chasing Bell. The only treatment method was to refine soul-nourishing elixirs for her to gradually recuperate and dispel the residual power of the Soul Chasing Bell.

This was a long treatment process and the cost was incredibly huge. Lin Zhen, a seventh-grade Alchemist, could earn astronomical numbers by selling elixirs daily, but it was barely enough to cover the cost of Ning Qingxuan's treatment medications.

Moreover, soul treatment would directly affect a person's majority of strength, so Ning Qingxuan's strength was suppressed to the Domain King Stage.

After three years in Freedom City and stabilizing the treatment, Lin Zhen wanted to go to Da Qin.