Chapter 751: Smacking the Face of the Entire Qin! (Third Update)

Qin Kingdom put so much effort into ensuring Jiao Xi could defeat Lin Zhen!

Over a thousand billion people watched from the Holy Land of Falling Star Lake, all of their gazes now focused on Lin Zhen's fight against Jiao Xi.

At the start of the fight, media outlets heavily promoted and reported the event, praising Jiao Xi to the heavens and making him seem invincible. The hype built around him nearly even surpassed that of National Master Qian Tong.

Many offered their analyses and comparisons of the two fighters' power levels.

The fighters both possessed the same Star Power, but what made a huge difference was that Jiao Xi, as a Peak Advanced Martial Artist, had significantly more combat experience than Lin Zhen.

When it came to experience, Lin Zhen was completely outmatched!