Chapter 769: Swallowing Stars!

In the center of the ring, Lin Zhen's attack was now dominating!

If there had been a slow-motion camera at this time, one could see the amazing transformation of Lin Zhen's starlight.

From fireball to star core, from star core to constant star, it took only a short 0.001 second!

This Constant Star Variation technique was something Lin Zhen comprehended during the previous Constant Star Fall.

Sometimes, comprehension is just a matter of a split-second, but there often needs to be a medium, and the best medium is witnessing something with your own eyes, which can give you sudden insights.

The mountain star above Lin Zhen's head was so oppressive that he could hardly breathe. He wanted to get rid of it, but Zhao Lihua was still attacking him furiously in front of him.

The only solution was to temporarily incapacitate Zhao Lihua.