Chapter 788: Draw the Gun! (Third Update)

Lin Zhen carried Saga's corpse, stepped on the void, and came to the Fire Palace.

He didn't enter the Fire Palace immediately. Even though he had succeeded as the chieftain, he still needed to meet with the clan members, get to know them, and entering the Fire Palace right away would give people a bad impression and make them feel like he was too eager to be the chieftain.

Standing in front of the steps of the Fire Palace, behind him was the colossal World Stone.

At Lin Zhen's summons, the people of the Fire Kirin Clan gradually gathered in front of the Fire Palace.

However, these clan members did not seem as enthusiastic as imagined. Their gazes at Lin Zhen were filled with scrutiny, inspection, and even pity, making Lin Zhen feel a bit strange.

The Fire Kirin Clan was not very populous. After all, kirins, such rare Galaxy Beasts, were few in number. The entire Fire Kirin Clan had only a little over ten thousand members.