Chapter 799: Feng Qingluan Reaches the Summit

In the chat group where Jin Nuo was, Zhang Lang laughed and said, "Brother Jin Nuo, it seems like this time the results of Falling Star Lake aren't that great."

Jin Nuo replied, "Now we have two members in the top ten, ranking fourth and fifth, which has basically completed our mission. As long as we can secure one more, our results will be above the average level of the Four Great Sacred Lands."

With ten places allocated to the four Sacred Lands, the average is 2.5, and most of the time, they each have two or three places.

If any Sacred Land can get four places, it would be considered exceptional.

Twin Trees Garden once took six places, which was the highest record in history, but none of the other Sacred Lands ended up empty-handed, and they all managed to get some places.