Chapter 802: Duel with the Heavenly Lord! (Third Update)_1

Upon entering the sixth layer, it turned out to be a desert.

As the scorching sun beat down, Lin Zhen scanned his surroundings, but he didn't see the Heavenly Lord anywhere.

"No way, where is everyone?"

Lin Zhen kept looking around, but all he saw was an endless wilderness; there was no sign of anyone around.


Suddenly, a squawk sounded in the sky. Lin Zhen looked up in surprise, just in time to see a gigantic bird, its wingspan reaching a hundred meters, descending from within the sun's brilliance!

The bird's colossal claws reached him in an instant, seemingly teleporting to grab Lin Zhen!

Despite Lin Zhen's lack of control over his rising body, before he even had the chance to react, the giant bird pecked viciously at him.

"Think again before you act!"

Lin Zhen swung the Sky-cutting Divine Sword fiercely, displaying the Death Sword Skill to its utmost!

The sword, a spiritual treasure, actually caused a metallic clang upon impact with the bird!