Chapter 811: Longevity! (Third Update) _1

On Zhushan's request, the machine ran far behind a large meteorite, waiting for the outcome of their battle.

When it saw the death ripples of the distant black hole spreading over, swallowing Lin Zhen and Zhushan, the machine was nearly scared out of its wits.

Of course, as a metallic machine, it couldn't really lose control of its bladder.

The machine immediately turned towards escape, but once you see a black hole, there's no running from it.

Luckily, the meteorite shielded it for a while, delaying its entrance into the range of the black hole's death ripples.

But it had already given in to despair. Whether it happened a little sooner or a little later, it would all be the same—because as soon as its Star Power was exhausted, it would face a gateless path to death.

Just when the machine was about to give up resisting, a miracle occurred.

The roaring black hole, for some unknown reason, stopped. The death ripples seemingly lost their power and quickly retreated.