Chapter 834: Male or Female?_1

The alarm rang out, and Long's face changed dramatically!

"Not good! Invaders! Everyone, prepare for battle!"

On the big screen, a species from the Endless Star Sea appeared.

They were a team of nearly a hundred, clearly not belonging to the Ground Clans of the Original World.

Among this group of nearly a hundred, the majority had green faces and tusks, wielding long Grim Reaper Scythes in their hands, appearing as fierce ghosts, all of them were in the Longevity Realm.

There were also two leaders, dressed in black and white, their weapons were mourning sticks, in the Three Flowers Realm.

"Ghost Clan~!"

Long exclaimed in shock, and everyone's faces turned solemn.

The Ghost Clan was also one of the clans under the Imperial Clan, the main ghosts among them were Ghost Soldiers, in the Longevity Realm.

Impermanent Ghosts, in the Three Flowers Realm, were like the two they saw before them.

Moreover, Judge Ghosts and the Ghost King, these belonged to the God Transformation Realm.