Chapter 840 Fast Cultivation! (Fourth Update)_1

Whenever the Gladiator Arena held a match, the spectator seats were always filled to the brink.

Lin Zhen, accompanied by the staff, left the room and headed to the boxing ring.

A floor-to-ceiling giant crystal wall separated the ring and the spectator seats completely, allowing outsiders to clearly see the inside while also ensuring they were not harmed by the residual effects of the battles.

A fight on the ring had just ended, with two Three Flowers Warriors killing each other, one dying and the other victorious.

The host was introducing the next fighters making their entrance, which were Lin Zhen and his opponent.

"Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce the first player to compete today. He has achieved four consecutive victories in our arena, killing four opponents outright. He is strong, cold, indifferent, and merciless. Despite his short appearances, he has a large group of loyal fans supporting him. He is a Three Flowers Realm boxer, the Hell Demon Bull .... Jipson!"