Chapter 865: R-rated Performance_1

Seeing that her persuasion was unsuccessful, Lala Ti's tone cooled: "Lin Zhen, I challenge you to a test of our Alchemy skills."

"Alright, how would you like to compete?"

"The effects of general elixirs, even if refined, can't be witnessed right there and then. Now, I will compete with you in refining a type of elixir that can take effect immediately. For that, I need two test subjects."

Lala Ti gestured with her hand, and someone brought over two cages.

Inside each cage, a monkey was enclosed.

"Lin Zhen, these are just two ordinary monkeys. Now, you and I will each refine an elixir. Then, we'll feed them to the two monkeys, and let them fight inside the cages. At the end, whoever's monkey emerges victorious, that person will be considered the winner. What do you think?"

Lin Zhen's gaze swept over the monkeys: "How does one win? By killing? Knocking out? Or surrendering?"

Lala Ti pondered: "All are possible, everyone present is a judge. Such matters can't be faked."