Chapter 876: Time Deceleration in Cultivation_1

A few people got off the dragon car and looked forward.

In front of them laid a chaotic planet covered with meteorites, completely unlike the regularity of a normal starry sky. Instead, they were all cluttered together, like a piece of fragmented land.

"This place looks so messy."

"That's just how it is. The great battle in the eye of the storm disrupted everything, especially the final space storm, which caused the energy of the constant stars to leak out. After millions of years, those constant stars have all died. Without the gravitational pull from the constant stars, things here are completely disordered."

"Constant stars are dead? Wouldn't they explode and form a black hole?" Chen Yuan said.

Lv Tianhua shook his head, "These constant stars belong to those that have lost all energy and die. Just like euthanasia in humans, they die quietly without causing any explosion."