Chapter 881: Tear off the Face (Fourth Update)_1

The return trip was not that smooth. In his first attempt at space teleportation, Lin Zhen missed his destination by a full ten light-years.

After taking a break, he made a second attempt, managing to reduce the error to a few hundred million kilometers. Then, Lin Zhen flew swiftly back, finally returning to the original location.

His clone was still on the meteorite, practicing the Shadowless Step. Upon Lin Zhen's return, they immediately swapped places.

Just as they finished swapping, Mu En appeared.

"Lin Zhen, it's about time. Do you plan to rest indefinitely? We don't support idlers in our team."

Lin Zhen got up and stretched his body, slightly fatigued from the long-distance flight, and squinted at Mu En.

"Did I sign away my freedom? I can't even take a short break? Resting for two days makes me an idler? Then, may I ask, how many Divine Stones have you found in the last two days? Let's see if you're better than this 'idler'."