Chapter 905: The Three Great Kings Are Just Like This! (Third Update)_1

Red Training King never expected Lin Zhen to be the first to strike.

He had seen Lin Zhen's battles and didn't think much of him. But he underestimated the strength of Lin Zhen's combat talent, and he paid for it!

He blocked one attack of the Constant Star Fall, but the second followed immediately, this time unleashed by Lin Zhen's doppelganger. Red Training King couldn't dodge in time and was secretly injured!

With a large area of his chest fractured and internal organs ruptured, Red Training King's pride took a hard hit, despite these injuries being insufficient to take a King-Sealing Powerhouse's life.

Frantically waving the Ghost Head Saber in his hand to create a shield of blades, Red Training King sealed off the surrounding space, affording Lin Zhen no opportunity for further surprise attacks.