Chapter 910: The Four Deities_1

Lin Zhen somewhat underestimated the intensity of this Hall of Fame-level shock.

Every advance of ten meters was a fierce spiritual challenge!

Every Mental Shock got stronger and stronger, so strong that it could even damage a person's soul!

According to what Chris said, since the residual soul is based on the inner world, the Spiritual Power is almost infinitely strong. As the distance gets closer, each time it can muster even stronger Spiritual Power to launch a shock.

Mental Shock cannot be dodged. Whoever it is can only resist it bravely. If they can bear it, they pass. If they cannot bear it, they die.

Every time, Lin Zhen had to go through a lengthy period of recuperation and preparation, concentrating his Spiritual Power as much as possible so he can withstand the Spiritual Shock without succumbing to mental breakdown or brain death.

This was a difficult process, as the time consumed to advance each step got longer and longer.